- Africa
- Provincia Aethiopica - Ethiopian Province
- Provincia Congo - Congo Province
- Provincia Madagascariensis - Madagascan Province
- Viceprovincia Mozambicana - Mozambican Vice-Province
- Viceprovincia Nigeriae - Vice-Province of Nigeria
- Provincia a Sancto Justino de Jacobis - Province of St. Justin de Jacobis
- America
- Provincia Aequeatoriana - Ecuadorian Province
- Provincia Americae Centralis - Province of Central America
- Provincia Argentinae - Province of Argentina
- Provincia Brasiliensis Curitibensis - Brazilian Province of Curitiba
- Provincia Brasiliensis Fluminensis - Brazilian Province of Rio de Janeiro
- Provincia Brasiliensis Fortalexiensis - Brazilian Province of Fortaleza
- Provincia Chilensis - Chilean Province
- Provincia Colombiae - Province of Colombia
- Viceprovincia Costaricana - Costa Rican Vice-Province
- Provincia Cubana - Cuban Province
- Provincia Aequeatoriana - Ecuadorian Province
- Provincia Mexicana - Mexican Province
- Provincia Peruana - Peruvian Province
- Provincia Portoricana - Puerto Rican Province
- Provincia Statuum Americae Foederatorum Meridionalis - Southern Province of the U.S.A.
- Provincia Statuum Americae Foederatorum Novae Angliae - Province of New England of the U.S.A.
- Provincia Statuum Americae Foederatorum Occidentalis - Western Province of the U.S.A.
- Provincia Statuum Americae Foederatorum Occidentis Centralis - Midwestern Province of the U.S.A.
- Provincia Statuum Americae Foederatorum Orientalis - Eastern Province of the U.S.A.
- Provincia Venezuelana - Venezuelan Province
- Asia
- Provincia Indiae Meridionalis - Southern Province of India
- Provincia Indiae Septentrionalis - Northern Province of India
- Provincia Indonesiae - Province of Indonesia
- Provincia Orientis - Province of Orient
- Provincia Philippinarum - Province of Philippines
- Provincia Sinica - Chinese Province
- Europe
- Provincia Austraie - Province of Austria
- Regio Belgica (Regio Provinciae Congo) - Belgian Region (Region of Congo Province)
- Provincia Gallica Parisiensis - French Province of Paris
- Provincia Gallica Tolosana - French Province of Toulouse
- Provincia Germaniae - Province of Germany
- Provincia Hiberniae - Province of Ireland
- Provincia Hispanica Barcinonensis - Spanish Province of Barcelona
- Provincia Hipanica Caesaraugustana - Spanish Province of Saragossa
- Provincia Hispanica Matritensis - Spanish Province of Madrid
- Provincia Hispanica Salmantina - Spanish Province of Salamanca
- Provincia Hollandia - Province Holland
- Provincia Hungarica - Hungarian Province
- Provincia Italica Napolitana - Italian Neapolitan Province
- Provincia Italica Romana - Italian Roman Province
- Provincia Italica Taurinensis - Italian Turin Province
- Provincia Lusitana - Portuguese Province
- Provincia Poloniae - Province of Poland
- Viceprovincia a Sancti Cyrillo et Methodio - Vice-Province of SS.Cyril and Mathodius
- Provincia Slovacensis - Slovakian Province
- Provincia Sloveniae - Province of Slovenia
- Oceania
- Provincia Australiae - Province of Australia
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Hello. And Bye.
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